The extraordinary Charlie Chaplin's first full-length film, a winning combination of slapstick and drama. After the impoverished Tramp (Chaplin) discovers...
The extraordinary Charlie Chaplin's first full-length film, a winning combination of slapstick and drama. After the impoverished Tramp (Chaplin) discovers a baby discarded in a trash can, he raises the boy (Jackie Coogan, in a performance that would make him the movies' first major child star) as his son and partner in petty crime. When it's discovered that the Tramp is not his real father, the authorities threaten to separate the close pair...
Upcoming screenings of The Kid as part of the NZ International Film Festival will be supported by the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra and the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra. The Orchestras will both perform a live music score in their respective cities, under the baton of Marc Taddei this year.
The Kid (1921) | Details
- Rating
- G,
- Runtime
- 68
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin