Based on the acclaimed 1943 sci-fi short story by Lewis Padgett, The Last Mimzy tells the story of two children...
Based on the acclaimed 1943 sci-fi short story by Lewis Padgett, The Last Mimzy tells the story of two children who discover a mysterious box that contains some strange devices they think are toys. As the children play with these ‘toys’, they begin to display higher intelligence levels. Their parents and teacher realize something extraordinary is happening. Emma, the younger of the two, tells her confused mother that one of the toys, a beat-up stuffed toy rabbit, is named Mimzy and that “she teaches me things.”
As Emma’s mother becomes increasingly concerned, a blackout shuts down the city and the government traces the source of the power surge to Emma’s family’s house. When Emma says that Mimzy contains a serious message from the future, a scientific scan shows that Mimzy is part extremely high level electronic, and part organic! Everyone realizes that they are involved in something incredible…but what exactly?
Where to watch The Last Mimzy
The Last Mimzy | Details
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Adventure, Fantasy, Kids & Family, Science Fiction
- Country of origin