Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park follow-up, starring Jeff Goldblum as a reluctant member of a research team that investigates a second...
Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park follow-up, starring Jeff Goldblum as a reluctant member of a research team that investigates a second island, Site B. Also stars Julianne Moore, Vince Vaughn and Pete Postlethwaite.
Ian Malcolm (Goldblum) agrees to go when he discovers his girlfriend, Sarah (Moore), is one of the three researchers sent to study the dinosaurs. But what starts as a purely observational expedition soon turns into chaos when another team shows up to capture and exploit the Jurassic wildlife. As the hunters attempt to bring the prized T-Rex to San Diego, the finale sees the giant unleashed on the city.
Where to watch The Lost World: Jurassic Park
The Lost World: Jurassic Park | Details
- Rating
- PG, contains violence & coarse language
- Runtime
- 129
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Thriller
- Country of origin