The classic Universal Monsters character returns in the Tom Cruise-starring first installment in a planned shared monster universe (co-stars Russell...
The classic Universal Monsters character returns in the Tom Cruise-starring first installment in a planned shared monster universe (co-stars Russell Crowe doing his own bit to revive a famous frightening figure). Written by Jon Spaihts (Doctor Strange, Passengers), there's no connective tissue shared with Stephen Sommers' Brendan Fraser-starring pics of the same name.
Once locked in a tomb deep beneath the unforgiving desert for a millenia, an ancient princess (Sofia Boutella, Kingsman) awakens in the present day. After her destiny was unjustly taken from her in ancient Egypt, she brings with her terrors that defy human comprehension as she seeks to bring Set - the God of Death - into the realm of the living.
Where to watch The Mummy (2017)
The Mummy (2017) | Details
- Rating
- M, Supernatural themes & violence
- Runtime
- 107
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Horror
- Country of origin