Documentary that goes behind the scenes of the Paris Opera, following the array of personnel who work to bring breathtaking...
Documentary that goes behind the scenes of the Paris Opera, following the array of personnel who work to bring breathtaking spectacle night after night.
"Over the course of a season, director Jean-Stéphane Bron nimbly juggles a dizzying number of storylines, from labour disputes to procuring a live bull for Schoenberg’s Moses und Aron to a PR crisis involving the head of the company’s ballet. Sweeping in scope yet full of intimate human moments, The Paris Opera offers a candid look at everything that goes into operating one of the world’s foremost performing arts institutions. " (Film Society Lincoln Center)
Where to watch The Paris Opera
The Paris Opera | Details
- Rating
- Exempt,
- Runtime
- 110
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Switzerland, France