Oscar-winning director Terry George (Hotel Rwanda) helms this 1914 drama set in Istanbul moments before chaos hits the capital. Stars...
Oscar-winning director Terry George (Hotel Rwanda) helms this 1914 drama set in Istanbul moments before chaos hits the capital. Stars Golden Globe-winner Oscar Isaac (Star Wars: The Force Awakens), Charlotte le Bon (The Walk) and Oscar winner Christian Bale (The Fighter).
When Michael (Isaac), a brilliant medical student, meets Ana (Le Bon), their shared Armenian heritage sparks an attraction that explodes into a romantic rivalry between Michael and Ana’s boyfriend Chris (Bale), a famous American photojournalist dedicated to exposing political truth. As the Ottoman Empire crumbles into war-torn chaos, their conflicting passions must be deferred while they join forces to get their people to safety and survive themselves.
Where to watch The Promise
The Promise | Details
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 134
- Genre
- Drama, True Story & Biography, War
- Country of origin