Set in the remote countryside of Laos, Southeast Asia, this Berlin Film Festival-winning journey follows Ahlo (Sitthiphon Disamoe), a 10-year-old...
Set in the remote countryside of Laos, Southeast Asia, this Berlin Film Festival-winning journey follows Ahlo (Sitthiphon Disamoe), a 10-year-old boy who is a supposed bringer of bad luck. To prove that isn't the case, Ahlo has a fool-proof plan - build a giant explosive rocket to win the annual Rocket Festival. This is the debut narrative feature from Australian documentarian Kim Mordaunt.
When a run of disasters forces Ahlo's family to move, the finger of blame is pointed towards him. Struggling to hang on to his father’s trust, Ahlo leads his family, his James Brown-worshipping uncle Purple, and spirited orphan Kia through a land scarred by war in search of a new home. In a last plea to try and prove he’s not cursed, Ahlo builds a giant rocket to enter the most lucrative but dangerous competition of the year: the Rocket Festival. As the most bombed country in the world shoots back at the sky, Ahlo reaches to the heavens for forgiveness.
Where to watch The Rocket
The Rocket | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of Amnesty International Film Prize, Best Debut Film and Crystal Bear award at Berlin International Film Festival 2013.
- Rating
- M, Nudity
- Runtime
- 96
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Australia