Documentary thriller follows Ukrainian Fedor Alexandrovich, just four years old at the time of the Chernobyl disaster, but fascinated with...
Documentary thriller follows Ukrainian Fedor Alexandrovich, just four years old at the time of the Chernobyl disaster, but fascinated with the Duga - a massive radio antenna near the site. Could it have caused the event?
"Fedor discovers the Duga was one of the USSR’s secret Cold War weapons built to penetrate Western communications systems and, possibly, minds. He arrives at a terrifying conclusion that not only explains the radio antenna’s role in the disaster but also lays bare the cruelty inflicted on Ukraine by its Russian neighbors. Fedor must decide if he will protect his family and himself, or tell the world what he believes. In the package of a paranoid thriller, The Russian Woodpecker takes us to the frontlines of the Revolution, and gives us the history and context for the war between Russia and the Ukraine, a battle that will have ramifications for the whole world." (Sundance Film Festival)
The Russian Woodpecker | Details
- Award winner
- Grand Jury Prize (World Cinema, Documentary), Sundance Film Festival 2015
- Rating
- Exempt,
- Runtime
- 82
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- USA, UK, Ukraine