Perhaps the last installment of the Disney Christmas franchise, in which Tim Allen finds himself subjected to the legally binding...
Perhaps the last installment of the Disney Christmas franchise, in which Tim Allen finds himself subjected to the legally binding Santa 'Clause' after toppling the real Santa off the roof in the original.
This time around, Santa (Allen), aka Scott Calvin, has to fight off Jack Frost (Short), who wants to rule Christmas himself. Making matters more complicated, Scott risks the secret location of his North Pole hideout by inviting his family up for the holiday.
This time around, Santa (Allen), aka Scott Calvin, has to fight off Jack Frost (Short), who wants to rule Christmas himself. Making matters more complicated, Scott risks the secret location of his North Pole hideout by inviting his family up for the holiday.
Where to watch The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause | Details
- Rating
- G, (no rating notes)
- Runtime
- 98
- Genre
- Comedy, Fantasy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin