The Servant (1965)

116 mins
Poster for The Servant (1965)

Tony was rich, indolent, charming, and a little stupid. He wanted a manservant to do everything for him. But he... More

Where to watch The Servant (1965)

The Servant (1965) is available to stream in New Zealand... More now on YouTube and Google TV and AroVision and Prime Video Store and Rialto on Prime.

There is no screening information for this title.

The Servant (1965) | Ratings & Reviews

"Glaciers might be melting, the polar caps might be crumbling, but not even the passage of half a century has taken the frozen edge off this brilliantly icy film."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"The film on its most meaningful level is acid splashed into the wound of class distinction. But it is best enjoyed simply as a slick, spooky, frequently spellbinding study of corruption."

Time MagazineTime Magazine

"The film's sidelong narrative glances suggest a privileged world brimming with innuendo-laden excess and barely concealed sexual jealousies."

Slant MagazineSlant Magazine

"It is a brilliant, subversive account of class relations and the changing times."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Losey creates an atmosphere of deepening claustrophobic menace shot through with episodes of savage black humour."

Total FilmTotal Film

"Opaque but hypnotically absorbing..."

TV GuideTV Guide

"The Servant is for the most part strong dramatic fare, though the atmosphere and tension is not fully sustained..."


"Certainly difficult to define, this period piece messes with genres, power relationships and your head."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

"The performances are note-perfect and Pinter's script is smart, subversive and sly..."

Time OutTime Out

"It is a flesh-creeping demonstration of human destructiveness that Mr. Pinter and Mr. Losey (present)... made all the more horrifying by the genteel surroundings in which it occurs."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"The film is very studied and smooth, even though it deals in sexual hysteria; it could use some of the roughness and drive of Losey's early work."

Chicago ReaderChicago Reader

The Servant (1965) | Details

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The Servant (1965) | Trailers