Psychological thriller based on the true story of Stanford University professor Dr. Philip Zimbardo (played by Billy Crudup), who, in...
Psychological thriller based on the true story of Stanford University professor Dr. Philip Zimbardo (played by Billy Crudup), who, in 1971, cast 24 student volunteers as prisoners and guards in a simulated jail to examine the source of abusive behavior in the prison system.
"The participants rapidly embody their roles - the guards become power-hungry and sadistic, while the prisoners, subject to degradation, strategise as underdogs. It soon becomes clear that, as Zimbardo and team monitor the escalation of action through surveillance cameras, they are not fully aware of how they, too, have become part of the experiment." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch The Stanford Prison Experiment
The Stanford Prison Experiment | Details
- Award winner
- Alfred P. Sloan Feature Film Prize and Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award winner at Sundance Film Festival 2015
- Runtime
- 122
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin