Based on the award-winning children's book, this animated family comedy is loaded with famous names in the voice-acting department. Sigourney...
Based on the award-winning children's book, this animated family comedy is loaded with famous names in the voice-acting department. Sigourney Weaver narrates the tale of Despereaux (Matthew Broderick), a small mouse who is something of an outcast amongst his own community because of his big ears but small body, as well as his penchant for reading rather than eating books. His first contact with humans sees him fall hopelessly in love with the human Princess Pea (Emma Watson). Caught between two worlds, the opportunity for heroism soon presents itself. On the way he'll encounter the voices of Dustin Hoffman, Christopher Lloyd and William H. Macy.
Where to watch The Tale of Despereaux
The Tale of Despereaux | Details
- Rating
- PG, some scenes may scare very young children
- Genre
- Kids & Family
- Country of origin