This Taiwanese action thriller starring Jay Chou and Lin Chi-Ling, two of Taiwan's hottest stars, who strive to protect a...
This Taiwanese action thriller starring Jay Chou and Lin Chi-Ling, two of Taiwan's hottest stars, who strive to protect a map to a buried treasure of unbelievable riches. However, a notorious international crime group, The Company are after the map which is in the pocession of Ciao Fei (Jay Chou). Teaming up with an archaeologist and lady friend (Lin Chi-Ling), the three embark on a dangerous journey to recover the map and fight to protect the ancient treasure.
The Treasure Hunter (Ci Ling) | Details
- Rating
- PG, contains frightening fantasy scenes & violence
- Runtime
- 104
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Thriller
- Country of origin
- Taiwan