In this documentary, filmed and presented in 3D, surfing legend Kelly Slater and a bunch of his pals visit Tahiti...
In this documentary, filmed and presented in 3D, surfing legend Kelly Slater and a bunch of his pals visit Tahiti and the islands of French Polynesia, where they search for the perfect wave riding experience and compare philosophies with their host, Tahitian surfer Raimana Van Bastolaer.
Kelly and Raimana share a passion for the waves, but different ideas about what surfing means: is it a modern competitive sport or an ancient Polynesian wave-riding art? The film looks at the area's natural history, including the marine life and an examination of the underwater mountains that helped form the scenic island chain.
When the right conditions arise, the great waves arrive. On the reef, surfing play becomes surfing survival as Slater tackles some of the heaviest plunging breakers on the planet - speeding through thundering barrels as they collapse around him.
The Ultimate Wave Tahiti 3D | Details
- Runtime
- 45
- Genre
- Documentary, Sport
- Country of origin