Martin Scorsese directs Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill in this Wall Street true story following a massively successful and...
Martin Scorsese directs Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill in this Wall Street true story following a massively successful and unscrupulous stockbroker who survived the stock market crash and went on a greed, sex, and drug-fueled financial rampage with no respect for the the law or basic standards of human decency. Co-stars Matthew McConaughey, Jon Favreau, Jean Dujardin and The Walking Dead’s Jon Bernthal. Based on the memoirs of Jordan Belfort, adapted for the screen by Terence Winter (The Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire).
Where to watch The Wolf of Wall Street
The Wolf of Wall Street | Details
- Award winner
- Best Actor (Musical or Comedy) for DiCaprio, Golden Globes 2014.
- Rating
- R18, Drug use, sex scenes & offensive language
- Runtime
- 179
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin