Helen Hunt's directing debut. A comedy-drama in which she plays a thirty-nine-year-old schoolteacher called April. April's recent marriage to immature Ben (Matthew...
Helen Hunt's directing debut. A comedy-drama in which she plays a thirty-nine-year-old schoolteacher called April. April's recent marriage to immature Ben (Matthew Broderick) falls apart at the same time that her adopted mother passes away. At this time of crisis, her brassy birth mother (Bette Midler) turns up, out of the blue, and starts dating the father of one of April's students. April finds solace in the charming Frank (Colin Firth), who has recently become a single father of two.
Then She Found Me | Details
- Rating
- M, Offensive Language & Sexual References
- Runtime
- 101
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama, Romance
- Country of origin