Documentary about underground skater culture in communist East Germany during the 80s. Follows three teens, their friendship and their love...
Documentary about underground skater culture in communist East Germany during the 80s. Follows three teens, their friendship and their love of skating throughout that decade, up to the fall of the Berlin Wall and on to the present day.
Despite being behind the Iron Curtain, East German youths weren't immune to the allure of the skateboard. This Ain't California tells their tale of rebellious behaviour atop crumbling tarmac through a mix of original Super 8 and archival footage as well as reenactments.
Where to watch This Ain't California
This Ain't California | Details
- Rating
- M, Offensive language, sexual references, drug references & nudity
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Documentary, Sport
- Country of origin
- Germany