The third Thor film, infused with the trademark humour of director Taika Waititi (Hunt for the Wilderpeople). Follows Thor (Chris...
The third Thor film, infused with the trademark humour of director Taika Waititi (Hunt for the Wilderpeople). Follows Thor (Chris Hemsworth) as he attempts to stop the villainous Norse god of Death, Hela (Cate Blanchett), intent on conquering Asgard - and beyond.
Along the way, Thor will encounter familiar Marvel faces including Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and his own wayward brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston), before finding himself on an alien gladiator planet ruled by Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum), where Thor must square off against his ol' mate - the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo). The comic/cosmic adventure also features Tessa Thompson, Idris Elba, Anthony Hopkins and Kiwis Karl Urban and Rachel House, among others - including Waititi himself, in a fashion.
Where to watch Thor: Ragnarok
Thor: Ragnarok | Details
- Rating
- M, Violence
- Runtime
- 130
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction
- Country of origin