Three short stories – each written and directed by a different visionary helmer – set in and around Japan’s bonkers...
Three short stories – each written and directed by a different visionary helmer – set in and around Japan’s bonkers capital city. Biggest draw has to be Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, The Science Of Sleep), whose segment is called ‘Interior Design’ and looks at a young couple changing (big time!) when they move to the big smoke. Bong Joon-Ho was the director of excellent creature feature The Host, and he delivers a segment called ‘Shaking Tokyo’, about a reclusive OCD sufferer whose routine is interrupted by an earthquake and a hot delivery girl. Perhaps the lesser known of the three directors is Leos Carax (The Lovers On the Bridge), but his surreal contribution entitled ‘Merde’ sounds like it may be the most interesting – it’s got a trampy, mental looking guy in a green suit terrorizing the city in it.
Tokyo! | Details
- Runtime
- 107
- Genre
- Drama, Fantasy
- Country of origin
- France, Japan, Germany, South Korea