Veteran Pixar director Brad Bird (The Incredibles, Ratatouille) follows his live-action debut Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol with this sci-fi adventure...
Veteran Pixar director Brad Bird (The Incredibles, Ratatouille) follows his live-action debut Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol with this sci-fi adventure based on the Disney theme park attraction. A scientifically-inclined teen (Britt Robertson) is granted a fleeting glimpse at an advanced creative wonderland by virtue of a mysteriously-acquired pin that allows her to travel between dimensions. With baddies in pursuit, she teams up with a former boy-genius inventor (George Clooney) to travel to Tomorrowland, make our world a better place, and save us from certain destruction.
Where to watch Tomorrowland
Tomorrowland | Details
- Rating
- PG, Violence & coarse language
- Runtime
- 130
- Genre
- Kids & Family, Science Fiction
- Country of origin