Quentin Tarantino scripted this wild and wooly blend of action and dark comedy, which reached theaters a year before his...
Quentin Tarantino scripted this wild and wooly blend of action and dark comedy, which reached theaters a year before his breakthrough hit Pulp Fiction.
When an inexperienced call girl, Alabama Whitman (Patricia Arquette), is paid to seduce comic-book-nerd and Elvis fanatic Clarence Worley (Christian Slater), they quickly pledge their love and marry. Alabama's pimp (Gary Oldman), however, isn't eager to let her go.
Fleeing confrontation and leaving behind a trail of bodies, the couple run from the police, the mob and an angry pimp.
True Romance | Details
- Rating
- R18,
- Runtime
- 120
- Genre
- Romance, Thriller
- Country of origin