Ed Helms (The Hangover) and Christina Applegate (Anchorman) are the next generation of Griswolds, following on from National Lampoon's Vacation, desperate...
Ed Helms (The Hangover) and Christina Applegate (Anchorman) are the next generation of Griswolds, following on from National Lampoon's Vacation, desperate to enjoy a family holiday with their two boys. Co-stars original Griswold Chevy Chase as Helms' dad, Leslie Mann (The Other Woman) and Chris Hemsworth (Thor) wielding a mighty prosthetic... no, not a hammer. From the writers of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 and Horrible Bosses 2, making their directorial feature debuts.
Where to watch Vacation
Vacation | Details
- Rating
- R13, Violence, offensive language & sexual references
- Runtime
- 99
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin