Tom Hardy and Michelle Williams return for the Andy Serkis-directed sequel to the 2018 Marvel superhero actioner, alongside new cast...
Tom Hardy and Michelle Williams return for the Andy Serkis-directed sequel to the 2018 Marvel superhero actioner, alongside new cast members Woody Harrelson and Naomie Harris.
Eddie Brock is still struggling to coexist with the shape-shifting extraterrestrial Venom. When deranged serial killer Cletus Kasady also becomes host to an alien symbiote, Brock and Venom must put aside their differences to stop his reign of terror.
Where to watch Venom: Let There Be Carnage
Venom: Let There Be Carnage | Details
- Rating
- M, Violence & offensive language
- Runtime
- 97
- Genre
- Action
- Country of origin