In a series of fictional vignettes, this lewd black comedy recounts a film producer's (Pang Ho-cheung) experiences remaking a porn...
In a series of fictional vignettes, this lewd black comedy recounts a film producer's (Pang Ho-cheung) experiences remaking a porn film from the '70s. These include seeking funding from gangsters and even his own ex-wife, persuading the original film's lead actress to reprise her role, and other scenarios that offer a look at the filmmaking process through a satirical lens.
Living up to its title, Vulgaria offers plenty of jokes about boobs and blow jobs but also boasts a big mystery - whether or not one of its main characters had sex with a farm animal...
Where to watch Vulgaria
Vulgaria | Details
- Award winner
- Hong Kong International Film Festival
- Rating
- R16, contains offensive language, sexual material and other content that may offend.
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin
- Hong Kong