Australian comedy, director Stephen Elliott's follow-up to The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, based on the book The Dead...
Australian comedy, director Stephen Elliott's follow-up to The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, based on the book The Dead Heart by Douglas Kennedy. After a deal gone bad, a New York crook named Teddy (Johnathon Schaech) escapes to the outback. Specifically, he finds himself in the strange, dilapidated and incestual town of Woop Woop - a place born from the residents of an abandoned asbestos mine, that exports only dog food (Kangaroo road-kill), and occasionally kidnaps strangers like Teddy to keep the population up.
Welcome to Woop Woop | Details
- Rating
- 18,
- Runtime
- 106
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin
- Australia