Channing Tatum is a wannabe Secret Service agent tasked with saving Commander-in-Chief Jamie Foxx after a paramilitary takeover of the...
Channing Tatum is a wannabe Secret Service agent tasked with saving Commander-in-Chief Jamie Foxx after a paramilitary takeover of the White House in this presidential action thriller from Roland Emmerich (Independence Day).
Policeman John Cale (Tatum) is on a tour of the White House with his daughter Emily, trying to impress her with a Secret Service job interview, when an attack on the building commences. Separated from his girl, Cale takes up arms against the mercenary forces and runs into the President of the United States (Foxx) - who proves a pretty good partner in taking out the bad guys.
Where to watch White House Down
White House Down | Details
- Rating
- M, Violence and offensive language
- Runtime
- 131
- Genre
- Action, Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin