Independent comedy starring Jesse Eisenberg (The Social Network), Melissa Leo (The Fighter) as his drug-addicted mother and Tracy Morgan (30 Rock) as her hapless...
Independent comedy starring Jesse Eisenberg (The Social Network), Melissa Leo (The Fighter) as his drug-addicted mother and Tracy Morgan (30 Rock) as her hapless drug dealer.
Eli (Eisenberg) is a piano prodigy struggling to cope with being man about the house, caring for his little sister and his mum Penny (Leo) who has failed her latest round of rehab. When Penny needs help again on the day of Eli's audition for a prestigious music program, he enlists the help of drug dealer Sprinkles (Morgan) and events spiral well out of control. Can he survive the day and still make the audition?
Why Stop Now | Details
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin