Fantasy-romance spanning centuries, set in both 1916 and modern-day Manhattan. Colin Farrell is a burglar who falls for an heiress...
Fantasy-romance spanning centuries, set in both 1916 and modern-day Manhattan. Colin Farrell is a burglar who falls for an heiress (Downton Abbey’s Jessica Brown Findlay), who tragically dies in his arms. When he discovers the ability to reincarnate, he devotes himself to finding a way to reunite with his love.
Peter (Farrell) is a master thief who never expected to have his own heart stolen by the beautiful Beverly (Brown Findlay). But their love is star-crossed: she burns with a deadly form of consumption, and Peter has been marked for a violent death by his one-time mentor, the demonic Pearly Soames (Russell Crowe). Peter desperately tries to save his one true love, across time, against the forces of darkness. What Peter needs is a miracle, but only time will tell if he can find one.
Oscar-winning screenwriter Akiva Goldsman (A Beautiful Mind) makes his directorial debut adapting Mark Helprin's 1983 novel.
Where to watch Winter's Tale (2014)
Winter's Tale (2014) | Details
- Rating
- M, Violence and sex scenes
- Runtime
- 118
- Genre
- Drama, Fantasy, Romance
- Country of origin