Working Woman

93 mins
Poster for Working Woman

In this Israeli workplace drama, a breadwinning mother walks an employment tightrope as her husband's new restaurant struggles and her... More

Where to watch Working Woman

Working Woman is available to stream in New Zealand now... More on YouTube and Google TV and Apple TV Store and AroVision.

There is no screening information for this title.

Working Woman | Ratings & Reviews

"An excellent portrait of a sickeningly common and perpetually harrowing issue, Working Woman is completely compelling as it draws towards an unpredictable conclusion."

New Zealand ListenerNew Zealand Listener

"Beautifully understated, impressively acted (Ben-Shlush is a revelation) and tautly told, Working Woman is the #MeToo movie Hollywood has so far failed to adequately make."


"This is a supremely clever movie, rooted in strong emotion that's rigorously controlled. It's a work of passion, told with utmost restraint. That makes it even more effective."

Sydney Morning HeraldSydney Morning Herald

"It is a story we've likely heard of or seen before, yet under Michal Aviad's sympathetic lens, it's one that stands out with a sense of urgency."

""Working Woman" may sound familiar, but be prepared: It cuts closer to the bone than you will be ready for."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"Finely-drawn characters and the kind of grey-area scenario that may be uncomfortably familiar to many women make this a thought-provoking addition to the post #metoo conversation."

Screen DailyScreen Daily

"A strong drama that eschews melodramatic contrivance, making its points via cool (yet sometimes squirm-inducing) observation."


"Unfolds like a psychological thriller — a procedural that, as it tightens its grip, captures how workplace sexual harassment slowly takes over one woman’s life."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"The picture is a slow-burning but ultimately empowering drama that works despite a lack of the bigger, louder, more outwardly emotional moments it could have succumbed to."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

Working Woman | Details

M, Sexual violence
Country of origin

Working Woman | Trailers