Margot Robbie leads this adaptation of the classic Emily Brontë story from Oscar-winning filmmaker Emerald Fennell (Saltburn). Co-stars Jacob Elordi BAFTA-nominee Jacob Elordi...
Margot Robbie leads this adaptation of the classic Emily Brontë story from Oscar-winning filmmaker Emerald Fennell (Saltburn). Co-stars Jacob Elordi BAFTA-nominee Jacob Elordi (Priscilla) and Academy Award-nominee Hong Chau (The Whale). Set against the backdrop of the Yorkshire moors, this tumultuous love story explores the intense and destructive relationship between Heathcliff (Elordi) and Catherine (Robbie) Earnshaw.
Where to watch Wuthering Heights (2026)
Wuthering Heights (2026) | Details
- Rating
- TBC,
- Genre
- Drama, Romance
- Country of origin