Australian documentary following Zenith Virago, an activist and educator who prompts others to engage with the harrowing reality of death...
Australian documentary following Zenith Virago, an activist and educator who prompts others to engage with the harrowing reality of death through community, creativity and celebration.
"Zenith’s devotion to her work as a celebrant of marriage and death, and an activist and educator has encouraged a more communal, celebratory, and creative engagement with death and dying. A well-known identity on the North Coast, the lesbian, feminist and self-described "deathwalker", she has for two decades quietly challenged our core assumptions about life and helped dissolve our taboos around death. Whether marrying or burying, Zenith’s mission remains clear: to help people reclaim their most personal, profound, and vulnerable life moments from commercial forces, government bureaucracy and cultural taboos." (Byron Bay Film Festival)
Zen & the Art of Dying | Details
- Rating
- M, Nudity
- Runtime
- 74
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- USA, Australia