A whole bunch of creepy horror movie trailers just dropped this week

This week has delivered a bunch of choice movie trailers for horror fans. Halloween’s not exactly around the corner, so why the sudden surge? We’re guessing that, off the back of Jordan Peele’s box office-breaking Us, Hollywood sees the chance to sell the people what they want: more horror.
So why not indulge yourself? Here’s a fresh batch of trailers for upcoming horror films.
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
In cinemas TBC
Under the production guidance of Oscar winner Guillermo del Toro, Troll Hunter director André Øvredal adapts the famous children’s horror book series into a movie destined to haunt anyone of any age by the look of this absolutely creepy trailer. The practical effects alone are worth pausing and admiring.
Following the colossal successes of It and Stranger Things, audiences seem primed for more terrible tales of kids in supernatural peril during a nostalgic period of time. And, boy, does this trailer fit that mould or what?
The Silence
Streaming on Netflix 12th April
Let’s turn the living room lights on for a moment and acknowledge the elephant: this is Netflix’s A Quiet Place. Allow that fact to slide and you’ll be treated to noticeable points of difference in this trailer.
One: the monsters have less of a Starship Troopers vibe and more resemble Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds. Two: Stanley Tucci. Three: it’s genuinely intriguing to see humans fight against each other for survival in a sound-fragile world.
Pet Sematary
In cinemas this Thursday
Thankfully not as spoiler-y as the previous trailer, this final look at the Stephen King adaptation will perfectly prep those ready to see it when the film opens this week. Less concerned with “big” moments, this trailer does a superb job conveying slow-boil unease. How they managed to achieve “slow-boil” in under two minutes is beyond me.
Annabelle Comes Home
In cinemas 27th June
The most ambitious crossover in horror history? It might be. Ed and Lorraine Warren (Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga) from the two Conjuring movies finally pit their devil-crushing skills against the titular demon doll from Annabelle and Annabelle: Creation.
The trailer shows a girl going into a room she was told not to go into and proceeds to open a cabinet with a ‘Do Not Open’ sign. Not the smartest move. There’s also a shot of another creepy girl tapping on glass and a scare ripped straight out of Ju-on: The Grudge. If it’s your thing, it’s your thing.
The Dead Don’t Die
In cinemas TBC
Jim Jarmusch, the man who made the arthouse world fall in love with hipster vampires, puts his Broken Flowers comrade Bill Murray and Paterson pal Adam Driver in the middle of a zombie comedy.
It makes about as much sense as the Coen brothers doing a Wonder Park sequel, but this trailer confirms its existence and you can either embrace it with open arms or remain completely confused by the entire thing. One thing’s for sure: undead Iggy Pop is good.