How to watch Churchill at War in New Zealand

With fascism on the rise, local wars threatening to spill their banks and set off a global conflagration, and the populace staggering under crushing economic conditions, all eyes turn to Downing Street and the one man dogged enough to lead the nation through its darkest hour…Unfortunately, it’s Keir Starmer. But here’s a new documentary series about Winston Churchill to take your mind off things.
How to watch Churchill at War in New Zealand
Churchill at War is streaming in New Zealand exclusively on Netflix from December 4, 2024.
What is Churchill at War about?
As is so often the case, the title is the synopsis. This four part series looks at Churchill’s leadership during World War II, from the moment Neville Chamberlain got the boot to 1945 when Churchy got almost exactly the same treatment. Expect a lot of historical footage, plenty of sound bites from his speeches, and the off dramatic reenactment. Whether this is pure hagiography or a more even-handed approach is up for debate, but the trailer indicates more of the former.
The cast of Churchill at War
In addition to the usual suspects appearing via archival footage, reenactment sequences see Churchill played by Christian McKay, Stalin by Martin Kluge, and Roosevelt by Langley Kirkwood. Oddly enough, McKay played Roosevolt just the other year in the similar biographical series, FDR. Interview subjects include…uh…Boris Johnson. Okay. But Ron Howard and Brian Glazer are on executive producer duties, so that’s good, right?
Churchill at War trailer
Why we’re excited about Churchill at War
Eh, could go either way. Here in the Antipodes, where this missive is being written, we’re still a bit sore about the Dardenelles Campaign…which, to be fair, may not have been old Churchy’s fault, depending on who you listen to. But he probably was the right man for the time re: WWII. We’ll hold our judgement on this one.