Support Christchurch Cinema for Less Than the Price of a Movie Ticket

NZIFF has launched a Boosted campaign to raise $40,000 from public donations to equip the Isaac Theatre Royal with state-of-the-art Digital Cinema Projection facilities. We encourage film fans who enjoy magnificent venues in Auckland (The Civic), Wellington (The Embassy) and Dunedin (The Regent) to consider donating the price of a ticket so that Christchurch audiences can do the same.

Christchurch-based Mark Hadlow (The Hobbit) has put his face to the campaign with a short video encouraging New Zealanders to donate only the cost of a NZIFF ticket for Christchurch.

Boosted, an online donation website provided by The Arts Foundation, allows for tax deductions on any donation over $5.

The substantial post-quake rebuild of the Isaac Theatre Royal provides the perfect opportunity to celebrate the art and artists of the giant screen in Christchurch. Scheduled for completion in 2014, the rebuilt theatre will include 1250 seats and ample foyer spaces. If they can equip the Isaac Theatre Royal for state-of-the-art Digital Cinema Projection facilities, it will become a truly spectacular cinema venue like the Civic (Auckland), Embassy Theatre (Wellington) and Regent Theatre (Dunedin).

An additional $280,000 needs to be raised in order to equip the Isaac Theatre Royal for film. Christchurch City Council has already agreed to provide partial funding for the equipment, with one condition: NZIFF must generate the additional $210,000.

Click here to be a part of the improvements.