Aquaman reactions: it’s ‘breathtakingly beautiful’ and Temuera Morrison is ‘wonderful’

The highly anticipated Aquaman, directed by James Wan, has been screened to a selection of critics and influencers. You won’t be able to read reviews of it for awhile, because they’re all embargoed. The film is also a little while away, arriving in cinemas on Boxing Day.
There’s quite a few social media responses out there, however, from the very pleased people lucky enough to have seen it. Many of them took to Twitter to praise the film, calling it a range of things including “amazing,” “breathtakingly beautiful” and “everything DC fans have been hoping for”—and someone even singles out Temuera Morrison’s supporting role.
Here’s a snapshot of what was said.
#Aquaman is so weird and wild I think I dug it. It sort of plays out as love letter to old school adventure and fantasy films. Jason Momoa is fantastic and lovely to see appearances from Randall Park and Temuera Morrison. Fun sea monsters too! 🦀🦑🐋
— Katherine McLaughlin (@Ms_K_McLaughlin) November 27, 2018
Exactly. He’s wonderful ❤️
— Katherine McLaughlin (@Ms_K_McLaughlin) November 27, 2018
#Aquaman is everything DC fans have been hoping for and more. Rollicking action, an amazing sense of world-building, spellbinding musical numbers in which Aquaman wears clams as tap shoes, and a command performance from Jason Momoa. DC has really righted the ship. The DCEU lives!
— Ben Mekler (@benmekler) November 26, 2018
#Aquaman was an absolute blast, from the charm of Momoa’s Arthur Curry, to the spectacular visuals to the fun that it was clear that everyone was having. It was exactly what I was hoping for and I can’t wait to see it again! I’ll give you more details when I’m allowed!
— Jenna Busch (@JennaBusch) November 26, 2018
“Aquaman” is such a vision at times with some wonderful visuals and an endearingly old fashioned adventure tone. If you’re down with mermen riding sharks firing lasers, you’ll enjoy.
— Garth Franklin (@darkhorizons) November 27, 2018
Against all odds, I really dug #Aquaman, which offers thrills chills and a whole lotta adventure for the whole family! Also the president of the United States is a demonstrably evil racist and there appears to be nothing we can do about that! See it on the biggest screen possible
— Scott Wampler™ (@ScottWamplerBMD) November 26, 2018
#Aquaman is pretty wild. It leans hard into its ’80s fantasy/adventure movie vibe far more than superhero elements, and it works. It’s another step in the right direction for the DCEU and shows how different/distinct the tones of these movies can be while still existing together.
— Mike Cecchini (@wayoutstuff) November 26, 2018
Aquaman is a breathtakingly beautiful, weird, badass, FUN idea of a modern superhero fantasy (anime) and makes zero apologies. Second half’s one cheer/laugh after another.
Imagine ’80s Schwarzenegger starring in “Hideo Kojima’s AVATAR” and you’re most of the way there. #Aquaman
— Andrew Dyce (@andrewbdyce) November 26, 2018
Saw #Aquaman before thanksgiving and had a week to think about it. It’s flawed, but fun. Momoa and Patrick Wilson are absolute gems. Most of all, the movie is just flat out insane. I can’t believe how big, creative, and crazy it gets. Gotta see it again!
— Mike Rougeau (@RogueCheddar) November 26, 2018
#AQUAMAN is an absolute blast! James Wan creates a thrilling story & makes a worthy entry in the DCEU
Full of spectacle & highlighted by creatures of the abyss, Wan creates an engaging adventure. The heart/emotion of the film resonated most, amplified by strong cast performances
— ComicBook Debate (@ComicBookDebate) November 26, 2018
Short & sweet reaction to #Aquaman is that I loved it. It’s a comic book movie through & through with great action, iconic moments & visual spectacle to spare. Momoa makes the character his own & Wan honors the traditional aspects, but elevates it to the modern era. It’s a blast.
— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) November 26, 2018
Chalk up a big, wet win for DC. @creepypuppet’s #Aquaman is an epic, swing-for-the-fences adventure that plunges fans into incredibly creative worlds. Goofy in spots, but it’s rollicking fun. See it on the biggest screen possible!
— Sean O’Connell (@Sean_OConnell) November 26, 2018