Video: Hugh Jackman Answers Twitter Questions About ‘The Wolverine’

Hugh Jackman, titular star of the upcoming The Wolverine, recently answered some questions fresh off Twitter regarding the movie. Some questions play it safe while others are more intriguingly left-field. You can watch the full ‘interview’ above or, for your reference, you can look at the timestamped guide below to skip to whatever question perks your interest.

The Wolverine opens nationwide on July 25th in 2D and 3D.

0:05 – What is your favourite thing about playing the Wolverine?

0:45 – How much training and preparation goes into doing a film like this?

1:15 – How does Japan factor into this new The Wolverine?

1:55 – How has your approach to Wolverine changes over the years?

2:35 – Would you like to live as long as the Wolverine lives? Why or why not?

3:15 – Tell us about the cast of The Wolverine. What was it like working with them?

4:15 – What scene are you the most excited for us to see in The Wolverine?

4:50 – When you’re on set all day, is it tough to turn off being the Wolverine after filming? Catch yourself calling people bub?

5:20 – The Wolverine has always been part of a group in the movies, in this one you carry the entire film. What was the pressure like?

6:15 – How was your experience working with James Mangold as director?

7:05 – Anything you can tell us about X-Men: Days of Future Past?