Win double passes to Petite Maman (from the director of Portrait of a Lady on Fire)

Céline Sciamma’s fantastic tale of childhood will charm you – and we’ve got double passes to give away.
Céline Sciamma follows Portrait of a Lady on Fire with charming and concise (just 72 minutes long) tale Petite Maman. Playing in the woods behind her recently-deceased grandmother’s house, Nelly comes across a girl her own age who, somehow, is herself an eight-year-old version of Nelly’s mum. As Steve Newall writes: “Sciamma captures the spark of her two kid leads and in an unforced way, captures their growing bond, intimacy and countdown to separation that echoes the convincing emotions of Portrait (sans adult elements, obviously)”.
1. Sign-up to Flicks’ weekly email – What to Watch (if you are already signed-up, you’re halfway there).
2. Send us an email, with your postal address, to with ‘Maman’ in the subject line.
3. Await victory. Entries are open until midday, Monday November 22 and winners will be contacted by email.
What to Watch is a weekly update on what’s good on streaming, in cinemas, and other matters concerning the screen. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. All winners picked at random and notified by email. Competition terms & conditions here.