Win double passes to see Zac Efron go through hell, all for the sake of Gold

Uh oh, Zac Efron has gone and gotten himself in a bit of a pickle in Gold – but the good news is that we’re giving away double passes.
UPDATE: Entries are closed and winners have been contacted by email
Australian actor Anthony Hayes (Animal Kingdom) directs, co-writes, and co-stars with Zac Efron in this desert wasteland thriller following two drifters who stumble upon an incredibly huge nugget of gold in the middle of nowhere. However, in order to excavate their treasure, one must return to grab tools while the other stays put and endure the harsh desert climate.
And some of you thought Dirty Grandpa was tough going!
Check out the trailer, and find out how to enter below.
1. Sign-up to Flicks’ weekly email – What to Watch (if you are already signed-up, you’re halfway there).
2. Send us an email, with your postal address, to with ‘Zac’ in the subject line.
3. Await victory. Entries are open until midday, Monday January 17 and winners will be contacted by email.
What to Watch is a weekly update on what’s good on streaming, in cinemas, and other matters concerning the screen. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. All winners picked at random and notified by email. Competition terms & conditions here.