Freaks and Geeks: Season 1

Poster for Freaks and Geeks: Season 1

High school mathlete Lindsay Weir rebels and begins hanging out with a crowd of burnouts (the "freaks"), while her brother... More

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    Freaks and Geeks: Season 1 episodes

    Episode 1.1


    Lindsay's family and friends fear the worst when she quits... More the academic decathlon team and begins hanging around with a new crowd. A new friend tries to help her find her way. Meanwhile, Sam ponders asking cheerleader Cindy Sanders to the homecoming dance, while trying to cope with persistent teasing and torture at the hands of a savage bully.

    Episode 1.2

    Beers and Weirs

    Lindsay's friends learn that her parents are going away for... More the weekend and suggest having a kegger. Sam and Neal become worried after a school assembly focusing on alcohol-related deaths and they decide to switch the real beer with non-alcoholic beer. Daniel and Kim get back together and despite the lack of alcohol, the party quickly gets out of hand.

    Episode 1.3

    Tricks and Treats

    Sam convinces Bill and Neal to trick-or-treat on Halloween, but... More they end up embarrassed while Lindsay and her friends wreak havoc in the neighborhood.

    Episode 1.4

    Tests and Breasts

    Lindsay offers to help Daniel study for an algebra test,... More but ends up accused by the teacher of cheating. Daniel lends sexually naive Sam a porn film.

    EPISODE 1.5

    I'm With the Band

    Lindsay encourages Nick to pursue a career in music. Nick... More continues to practice with his current band, but quickly decides he's better than them. Lindsay encourages Nick to audition for a bigger local band. When things don't go well in the audition, Lindsay is there to comfort Nick. After learning they have to shower in gym class, Sam, Bill, and Neal refuse to do it.

    EPISODE 1.6

    Carded and Discarded

    Sam, Neal, and Bill befriend a pretty new transfer student,... More but soon fear of losing her to the popular crowd and try to win her over with a series of fun things they plan for her. Lindsay, Nick, Daniel, and Ken decide to get fake IDs so they can see a hot local band perform at a bar. However, after they go through the trouble of getting their IDs and getting into the bar, the group is stunned to find out who the hot local bands lead singer is.

    EPISODE 1.7

    Girlfriends and Boyfriends

    Lindsay reluctantly agrees to come over to Nick's house while... More his parents are out of town. Sam hopes to become lab partners with Cindy, but becomes jealous when Bill is named Cindy's lab partner.

    EPISODE 1.8

    We've Got Spirit

    Sam tries out to be the school mascot hoping to... More impress Cindy. Meanwhile, Daniel, Ken, and Kim suddenly become the basketball team's most rabid fans following a series of run-ins with jocks from the rival school, Lincoln High. Lindsay tries to figure out the best way to break up with Nick.

    EPISODE 1.9

    The Diary

    Lindsay's parents forbid her from hanging out with Kim, as... More they see her as a bad influence. Bill grows tired of being picked last for teams for baseball in P.E. class, and not being allowed to really participate.

    EPISODE 1.10

    Looks and Books

    A car accident results in Lindsay deciding to stop hanging... More out with her “freak” friends. She decides to rejoin the mathletes and start hanging out with Millie again. Sam adopts a new modern hair style in the hopes of impressing Cindy. When this fails, he seeks out a new wardrobe.

    EPISODE 1.11

    The Garage Door

    Neal learns his father is cheating on his mother. Ken... More develops a crush on the tuba player in the school's marching band and Lindsay helps set them up.

    EPISODE 1.12

    Chokin' and Tokin'

    When Bill talks about being allergic to peanuts in class,... More Alan tries to prove he's lying but Bill ends up in the hospital after an allergic reaction. Lindsay smokes weed for the first time.

    EPISODE 1.13

    Smooching and Mooching

    After fighting with his father, Nick moves out and to... More Lindsay's surprise begins staying with the Weir's. Cindy tells Bill that she has a crush on Sam. She asks Bill to convince Sam to invite her to a party.

    EPISODE 1.14

    The Little Things

    Sam discovers that life as Cindy's boyfriend is not nearly... More as exciting as he had imagined. Ken's girlfriend ,Amy, confesses a shocking secret, putting Ken in an awkward situation. Lindsay struggles with asking Vice President George Bush a question during an assembly.

    EPISODE 1.15

    Discos and Dragons

    Daniel is sentenced to audio/visual class as punishment for attempting... More to pull the fire alarm to get out of taking a test. Lindsay is accepted to a two-week academic summit. Nick has a new girlfriend and takes up disco dancing.

    EPISODE 1.16

    Kim Kelly is My Friend

    Kim's friend, Karen, bullies Sam and calls him a geek.... More Kim invites Lindsay to dinner at her house, exposing Lindsay to the abuse Kim takes at home.

    EPISODE 1.17

    Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers

    Lindsay tries to convince Harold to let her join her... More friends at a Who concert. Kim and Lindsay accidentally run over Millie's dog. Kim starts hanging out with Millie. Lindsay wants to tell Millie the truth about her dog, but Kim doesn't. Meanwhile, Nick teaches himself to play guitar and writes a love ballad for Lindsay and decides to play it for her despite Kens' objections. Ms. Haverchuck stuns Bill with the news that she has been dating Coach Fredricks.

    EPISODE 1.18

    Noshing and Moshing

    Neal wrestles with the dilemma of whether to tell his... More mother about his father's affair. Lindsay is given detention after coming to the aid of a girl being attacked by a boy. Daniel deals with pressures at home and with Kim. He escapes from his problems through punk music.

    Freaks and Geeks: Season 1 | Details

    Comedy, Drama
    Country of origin